active citizenship

Active citizenship 2.0: what it’s and how to participate in change

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In an increasingly frenetic world, where ‘everything and now’ is the dominant mantra and the concepts of knowledge, culture and curiosity are less and less central, it’s important to talk about and promote the idea of active citizenship 2.0.

But what is active citizenship 2.0 or civic activism? Read on and find out!

Table of contents

What is active citizenship 2.0?

Active citizenship 2.0 can be synthetically understood as the set of forms of self-organisation involving the exercise of powers and responsibilities in public policies, in order to make rights effective, to protect common goods and to support individuals in weakened conditions. Participation and active citizenship also mean having the right, the means, the space and the opportunity to participate in and influence decisions, engaging in actions and activities that contribute to building a better society.

It goes without saying that being an active citizen also means developing an awareness of one’s rights and duties, respect for oneself and for the environment around us.

active citizenship

Key role of cities as learning environments

The city becomes a huge container where one can best express oneself and one’s civic activism, but for this to happen it is important that the environment around us revolves around some fundamental cornerstones, namely:

1. Smart city concept

A smart city, in short, is nothing more than the fusion of a digital city and a sustainability-oriented city. The most important objectives for a smart city are:

A smart city therefore uses technology to improve the urban environment, transport and infrastructure with the aim of protecting and improving the lives of citizens and the environment in every respect.

2. Crucial role of an active policy

Giving up a part of one’s freedom is not a loss, but on the contrary, allocating it to the ‘common good‘ makes the individual more involved in the community.

Politics, in fact, has a crucial role in promoting active citizenship. The cornerstones of an ‘active policy‘ can be summarised as follows:

Vision and leadership

Political leaders must provide a clear vision of what they want to achieve, setting goals and strategies to pursue this.

Policy making

Policies must be developed that encourage the use of smart technologies, the adoption of sustainable practices and social inclusiveness, such as incentives for green buildings, investment in technological infrastructure and regulations that promote innovation.

Education and involvement

A careful policy must educate citizens about the benefits of smart cities and actively involve them in the transformation process. This can be done through citizen participation platforms, public consultations and collaborative projects.

Monitoring and evaluation

Policy must establish mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the progress of active citizenship initiatives and ensure that resources are used effectively.

In short, politics is key to creating the necessary environment for active citizenship, from a 2.0 perspective, to develop and flourish.

3. Importance of school as a gymnasium for developing transversal skills

Schools play a crucial role in the development of soft skills, which are fundamental for active citizenship. For example, critical thinking, effective communication, collaboration and problem-solving enable students to actively participate in society and meet the challenges of the modern world.

Let us delve into some of these aspects:

Critical thinking

The school encourages students to question themselves, evaluate sources and develop independent thinking, preparing them to become informed and reflective citizens.


Through presentations, debates and group work, students learn to express their ideas clearly and to listen to and understand the views of others.


Group projects and extracurricular activities provide opportunities to learn to work together, respecting the different abilities and contributions of each individual.


The academic and social challenges encountered at school teach students to identify problems, think creatively and find effective solutions.

Social responsibility

The school promotes social awareness and responsibility, encouraging students to participate in community initiatives and develop empathy for others.

In conclusion, school is not only a place of learning, but a gymnasium where transversal skills essential for everyday life and for active and aware citizenship are trained.

e-Medine as an advocate of active citizenship 2.0: get involved!

e-Medine supports citizens in formulating concrete solutions to public problems and promotes the adoption of digital tools for cultural education and the development of active citizenship.

Join us in the quest to build a stronger and more aware community! Find out how you can make a difference: contact us by filling out the contact form below, or by calling +390957463250. Now is the time to act: participate, learn and contribute to the growth of your society. Become an active citizen today!

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